> > Where would I put the -s please?
> Explanation of how to find the answer:
> He was talking about 'apt' commands.
> If you read 'man apt' it hints that it is a front-end to
> various 'apt-*' commands like 'apt-get'.
> The hints look like "apt-get(8)" which is a reference
> to the 'apt-get' man page in Section 8, which can
> be read using the command:
>   man 8 apt-get
> And if you read that man page, you can find an
> explanation of the -s option when used with a
> 'apt-get' command.

Gotcha. I like the long option names there, almost all of which are immediately
suggestive of what the change of behaviour might be:

    --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act

Especially: --simulate and --dry-run (for users of rsync and other commands
that use the same long option name)

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