On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 16:01:13 -0300, riveravaldez wrote:
> Not sure if useful at all, but I've been using firefox-release (just running
> the binary from Mozilla) as main browser for years, and enabled HTTPS-
> Only Mode upon HTTPS Everywhere add-on/extension simply because
> I had it installed and I was letting it be (?). And that (unexpected?)
> combination seems to work fine 

Not OP, but a few months ago I did experience a similar problem when setting up 
a reverse-proxy for one of my private domains. For test purposes I initially 
did not set up nginx to deal with TLS for this domain (but others already had 
TLS enabled). Firefox (both with and without HTTPS Everywhere) would always 
switch to TLS, resulting in a cert-mismatch warning and me ending up on a 
different site than intended.
I wasted a few hours trying to figure out what was wrong with my proxy config, 
before I realised (and verified with curl iirc) the fault was with the 
browsers (iinm Chromium messed up similarly).
Once HTTPS was enabled for all domains on this server everything was working 
as expected in browsers again.



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