On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 17:26:36 +0300
Reco <recovery...@enotuniq.net> wrote:

>       Hi.
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 09:45:13AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > I have various web (HTTP, not HTTPS) apps (e.g., pi-hole, Home
> > Assistant) running on localhost (either actually on localhost, or on
> > another host but accessed via 'localhost' via ssh port forwarding
> > (LocalForward) that require cookies to function (even before logging
> > in). When Firefox is set to block all cookies, these don't work - even
> > though I have an exception set to allow cookies from localhost.
> Because firefox cookie exceptions actually apply to schema-hostname-port
> triplet, but not to the hostname itself.
> I.e. if you allowed Firefox to store cookies from http://localhost:80
> (what you've called "localhost"), but trying to use
> http://localhost:8080 to access some HTTP service - cookies from
> http://localhost:8080 won't be allowed.

Awesome, thanks so much! I think I once came up with that idea myself,
but discarded it since "Manage Cookies and Site Data" doesn't show port
numbers, only hostnames. But adding 'http:/localhost:nnnn' does indeed
work (and it shows up as schema-hostname-port in "Exceptions - Cookie
and Site Data").

> > (Examining the cookie store ("Manage Cookies and Site Data")
> > doesn't show any cookies stored from any site other than localhost.)
> "Manage Cookies and Site Data" was likely written on the assumption that
> a single hostname provides a single site, at most serving both HTTP and
> HTTPS versions of the same content. I suspect that your usecase differs
> from these assumptions somewhat.

Interesting. I thought my usecase was a pretty straightforward one - I
have various typical home user services that I have no intention of
making available on the public internet, so I don't bother with SSL,
but I do want to access them relatively securely across my local
network. port forwarding via ssh seemed like an easy and solid
solution, but perhaps it's not commonly done.

Thanks again,


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