Le 17/04/2021 à 08:44, Timothy Danielson a écrit :
I am operating PureOS. I haven't honestly


 From what I gather, PureOS is a Debian derivative with the Gnome Desktop.

Nautilus, the Gnome file manager can access Google Drive out-of-the-box when a Google account is set up :

(go directly to the "on gnome desktops" chapter)

If you want to backup/restore to/from Google Sync, you just can use a simple Gnome backup tool like Deja-dup (I have verified, it is present in PureOS repositories)

Non need to add a PPA, install google-drive-ocamlfuse or whatever...

- PureOs is not Debian even if it is based opon it: you would have better support inquiring the PureOS community thant the Debian one - PureOS is not Ubuntu: I do not know exactly the situation but chances are that PPA repositories are no better supported in PureOS than in Debian


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