On Lu, 03 mai 21, 06:53:50, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> Do you think the same purpose could be achieved as well with a simple device
> like this:
> https://www.amazon.it/5-1-audio-converter-coassiale-5-1-canali-analogica/dp/B00NAJ4W2A/ref=asc_df_B00NAJ4W2A/?tag=googshopit-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459193775235&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11263557217000104253&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1008560&hvtargid=pla-926912233897&psc=1

Short answer: maybe, it depends a lot on what you need this for.

At a minimum your system must have a S/PDIF output (obviously).

Then you must somehow convince your system to generate AC-3 output as 
regular output to the ALSA spdif/iec958 output is two channels only[1].

Kodi (and probably everything else based on ffmpeg) can do so for at 
least FLAC and AAC 5.1 audio (tested).

It should be much easier to address a specific channel with an audio 
device with 6 (or recently 8) analog outputs, like this[2].

You should also get individual 4 independent volume controls (Front, 
Surround, Center and LFE).

[1] at least for my audio devices 'speaker-test' only accepts '2' for 
the '--channels/-c' parameter for all digital outputs, but the 
'surround51' analog output accepts 2, 4 and 6.

[2] https://www.itgalaxy.ro/placi-de-sunet/logilink/sound-box-7-1-usb-31242/

Disclaimer: this is just an example, Linux compatibility unknown. It's 
probably a good idea to buy something like this only from sellers that 
allow quick and easy returns, no questions asked, just in case it 
doesn't work well for you.

Kind regards,

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