Hi All.

I've successfully used the current version of Libre Office in Testing to
print mailing addresses on a #6 3/4 (US) envelope and so wanted to do
the same with a #10 (US) envelope, and have had nothing but frustration
for almost the past two hours.

The Insert->Envelope dialog allows one to properly choose the #10
envelope and the resulting document looks correct.  Then when opening
the Print dialog the formatting becomes stuck on the C5 size.  Even
resetting to #10 (or Com-10) results in the address blocks being placed
too low on the envelope.  Tips from the 'Net have failed me.

I even tried a static linked version of Open Office 3.3 I have installed
and it has the same bug!  Obviously, this is long-standing bug and
probably won't be fixed any time soon, certainly not in the Bullseye
time frame.

Are there other options?  Looking about I don't see any.  Even the
online Google Docs does not appear to have any support for printing
envelopes.  I understand most people do things online but there is still
a reason to use snail mail and representing an organization, my
handwriting is poor enough that it is better served via printing


- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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