On Lu, 17 mai 21, 10:00:22, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 10:29:06AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm, would you (or anyone else) know what is the difference between 
> > oflags=sync and conv=fsync?
> Let me put the docs next to each other (this is from the info page,
> which sometimes is more complete than the man page):

[snip informative quote from info page]

Ugh, forgot about the info/man distinction fro GNU software.
> I'd say "conv=fsync" does a sync at the end of the whole thing, while
> "oflag=sync" open(2)s the file with O_SYNC (likewise "oflag=dsync"
> translates to an open(2) with O_DSYNC), so the sync happens after each
> block write. That's what I want, since it gives me much more predictability
> as to when I can plop out my usb stick :)

If my understanding from your quotes and David's links is correct 
oflag=sync may be slower in specific circumstances, but it depends on so 
many factors (hardware, caches, block size used, etc.) that it is hard 
to predict.

Quite likely it won't make a significant difference for "regular" use.

Kind regards,

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