James H. H. Lampert wrote:

> Please excuse the off-topic post, but I'm hoping this has come up with
> others here:
> I've been tasked with implementing DMARC on our domain. And I'm told
> that the Debian List Server doesn't rewrite "From" headers for
> DMARC-enabled senders, and neither does it do anything else to handle
> DMARC-enabled senders.

Couple of years ago, when I was working with a Telco they implemented DMARC
and were thinking it will be soon very strict, but it turned out many
implemented different policies and as Dan Ritter said, it is one important
Back then (2016) I asked the Telco people (as part of the BA) how many
responses (mails with statistics) they would expect from the peers - they
said they would expect that the major players would do DMARC - respectively
we setup a DB based on this assumption ... well the moment we turned the
collection on - the DB exploded because it was tausends of domains already
implementing DMARK with SPF and sending back the statistics.

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