Hi and a very good day to all of you, 😁

thank you very much for the new input of yours. You're too kind.

@T.J. Duchene:

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome. That' s really nice. I enjoy it very much here.

Your instruction to update policies used by Debian stable is very good; I understand it much better now. Thanks a lot. Stable and well-maintained are exactly what I'm looking for in an OS. So Debian stable seems to be perfectly suited for my purposes. Plus: it's really lightweight (especially with xfce). Ideal for my Lenovo H520e. πŸ˜‰

Thanks again for your kind help.

@Francesco Florian:

> This is, if you really want to track 'stable', i.e., automatically switch to the new stable release when it becomes such.

I see.
Yet personally I'd like to stay at Buster as long as I can.
Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

@Greg Wooledge:

Thanks so much for the warning and the additional info. It's much appreciated.


Thanks to you as well.

@Andrew M.A. Cater

> If you say buster, then when buster slides to become oldstable, your system won't change underneath you suddenly.

Yes, that's exactly how I want it to be.
No nasty surprises and no big downloads (at least for the time being).

My sole means of internet connection is a UMTS-stick with 5 GB data available per 28 days. So I have to be able to plan well in advance for occasions like that.
Thanks a lot for the info.

@Andrei POPESCU:

> It's much better to use the codename instead and subscribe to debian-announce (in addition to debian-security-announce, of course). > When a new release is announced start preparing for the upgrade, you have one year to do so.

Wow, that info is really new to me; well I'm just a beginner as far as Debian is concerned. But really good to know. Thanks a lot. 😁

> You might want to switch to `apt` instead.

Indeed I've made it a habit to use "apt" instead of "apt-get" for quite a while now.

Thanks for the additional info as well.

So I think (and hope) I understand much better now how Debian updates are to be configured and work. It's really good to have a place to go to and post questions when help is needed. YouΒ΄re a great community! I appreciate it very much. πŸ˜‰

Thanks again to all of you for your kind help.

A very nice weekend and do keep safe.

Many greetings from Rosika 😁

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