On Sat, 26 Jun 2021 13:31:33 +0300
Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jo, 24 iun 21, 14:13:42, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > 
> > At the other end is anything where you can't use a client or a
> > server that isn't produced/managed by the central authority.
> > Despite Signal making some of their source available, you can't
> > write your own Signal client and have it talk to their official
> > servers.
> Sure, and I don't remember disputing this.
> But let's not conflate the Signal software (client, server, etc.), the 
> Signal protocol and the Signal *service*.
> Could you elaborate on why in your opinion an entity providing a service 
> should automatically accept connections from third-party clients and/or 
> federate with other service providers?

Well, would you have no problem with a website that requires the site's
own browser to function, and won't work with standard browsers? I agree
that the site has the legal and even moral right to implement such a
thing, but I wouldn't be happy about it.


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