On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 06:55:30PM +0000, Gregory McPherran wrote:
> Hi,
> This shows the new security line form as:
> DebianBullseye - Debian 
> Wiki<https://wiki.debian.org/DebianBullseye?highlight=%28CategoryRelease%29#New_Features>
> deb      http://security.debian.org/debian-security       bullseye-security   
>      main
> This shows the new security line form as:
> sources.list(5) — apt — Debian unstable — Debian 
> Manpages<https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/apt/sources.list.5.en.html#EXAMPLES>
> deb      http://security.debian.org                                     
> bullseye-security        main
> Is one of    "http://security.debian.org/debian-security";    or   
> "http://security.debian.org";   the correct format ?
> Or is the "debian-security" portion optional ?
> Thank you,
> Greg McPherran

If you're still running Jessie: _please_ take the machine off the Internet 
/ take it out of service to be upgraded. You're more than a year beyond all
major securiy support - unless you want to pay for ELTS.

Take the opportunity to at least upgrade to Debian 9 and, ideally, 10.
Debian 11 should be here inside a month - if you can get to 10, you'll 
have at least a further year of security support for 10.

If you want detailed instructions as to how to go about this, this list
will be more than happy to oblige, I'm sure.

[Second time in 24 hours: on IRC last night I was chatting with someone in
a similar position].

Upgrading between major releases of Debian is almost always feasible and
relatively problem free. In that, we score as against some other Linux
distributions where the only option is to wipe and reinstall.

"I can't upgrade at this time" is fine for maybe a year or even two at
the outside: saying this one time after formal security support has gone
is substantially less good for you and any other users of the machine.

Andy - who is overly tweaked about keeping systems up to date and patched.

All best, as ever,

Andy Cater

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