On Wed, 2021-07-28 at 07:54 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 10:05:54PM -0600, Jupiter777 wrote:
> > so loop-with-no-exit went like:
> > 
> > 
> > -- installer recognized the disk, OK
> > 
> > -- did the 1gb /boot ext2 non-encrypted configured , OK   /dev/sda7
> > 
> > -- 150gb partition, planned to be / with everything in it,
> >    recognized by installer, OK  /dev/sda6
> > 
> > -- configured /dev/sda6 to be / and mount-point /  too , OK
> > 
> > -- went inside the lvm config/manager ....
> > 
> > -- added volume group vg1 off of /dev/sda6 , OK
> > 
> > -- added logical volume lv1 (inside vg1) , OK
> I've never done disk encryption, so I can only speak to the LVM parts
> of this.
> If you're planning to use LVM for everything except /boot, then your
> third and fourth steps above are incorrect.  You don't want to create
> a regular root file system on sda6 if you're planning to use sda6 for LVM.
> What you want to do instead is:
> 1) Create your /boot partition + file system as you did.
> 2) Create a partition to hold the LVM subsystem, but do not mount it.
> 3) Go into the LVM subsystem, and turn your empty partition into a
>    volume group.
> 4) Create logical volumes within the VG for each file system you want,
>    including root.
> However, since you were trying to do encryption as well, you should
> definitely look for advice from someone who has done that.

Between steps 2) and 3) you encrypt the partition.


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