Gene Heskett wrote: 
> On Wednesday 28 July 2021 11:04:59 Dan Ritter wrote:
> > The standard SATA interface is one port, one drive. (There are
> > exceptions which are not worth talking about here.) If you can
> > plug in a fairly cheap PCIe to SATA card, you can get 2 or 4 or
> > 8 more connectors.
> >
> I have spares of both the very short slot and the longer slot, whatever 
> it is, this is an Asus Prime X370-A II motherboard, so name the 
> preferred poison for a new sata card.
> > Your choices for 4 drives are:
> >
> > RAID10: write 2 copies to four drives, read from all four;
> > capacity is 2 drives worth. Survive any one drive failing and
> > also survive two drives failing if they are on different
> > stripes.
> >
> > RAID6: write one copy plus two sets of parity information to
> > four drives, read from all four to reconstruct data. Speed is
> > equivalent to one drive. You can survive any two drives failing.
> Raid6 sounds promising. Equivalent capacity is also one drive?

No, you actually get about 2 drives of capacity out of 4 here.

> > All of these can be handled in software by the kernel, managed
> > by mdadm. You can easily transfer the drives to some other Linux
> > box.
> Name the poison card, and I'll get it and 4 more drives as this tower has 
> lots of empty drive space suitable for hiding SSD's.

$20 for 2 ports:

$80 for 6 ports:

No drivers needed, kernel should just recognize them.

Plug in the drives and read

You'll end up with something like

--create /dev/md0 --level=6 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
/dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1


mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0

and mount where you will.


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