On 03.08.21 00:42, IL Ka wrote:

    i have 2 memory slots
    memtest86+ shows each has 2G, but total is 3G
    after booting linux, top shows total is 3G

    why 1 G is missing? Thanks!

You probably have 32bit OS
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_GB_barrier <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_GB_barrier>

Not as easy. I have this same problem on two hardware systems.
Using a 64bit Debian OS, installed to an USB-Stick and then booted on different hardware fully uses the 8 GB in one equipment physically providing 8 GB RAM, but in two other systems only 3 GB out of physically present 4 GB RAM are used by DEBIAN. MS Windows is using all the 4 GB, and doing this without any changes in the BIOS.

uname shows that a 64 bit OS is in use:
Linux XXXXXX 5.10.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.46-3 (2021-07-28) x86_64 GNU/Linux

inxi shows that only 3 GB are available as the TOTAL, although it finds the 4 GB to be physically installed:
$ sudo inxi -m -x
Memory:    RAM: total: 2.88 GiB used: 2.11 GiB (73.2%)
Array-1: capacity: 4 GiB slots: 2 EC: None max module size: 2 GiB note: est.
Device-1: M1 size: 2 GiB speed: 667 MT/s type: DDR2
Device-2: M2 size: 2 GiB speed: 667 MT/s type: DDR2

So, like for the original post, also on my system, only 3 GB out of the present 4 GB can be used. This problem seems to be a Debian (Linux in general?) problem, because MS Win makes full use of the 4 GB RAM as physically present.

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