On Wednesday 11 August 2021 04:02:14 Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside 

> Hi,
> On 2021-08-11 3:49 a.m., Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> > On 8/11/21, Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:
> >> Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside (12021-08-11):
> >>> Sorry if this annoyed yourself but a long time Debian user of this
> >>> mailing list, who could also be considered "part of Debian" gave
> >>> me the hint of replying directly to the user when it comes to this
> >>> mailing list.
> >>
> >> That was wrong. Do not do it.
> >>
This is a mailing list, one I've been subbed to for at least a decade. It 
has rules, often violated without realizing it. You come roaring in here 
and have monopolized the conversation while actually supplying 
relatively little help to the list in terms of making their systems do 
what they want them to do, and do it securely.

Speaking as one user who would like to see this list go back to being a 
place where howto questions are answered by folks with intimate 
knowledge of how its done, an educational resource, even having healthy 
arguments about methods because we are social creatures and enjoy our 
interactions as a method of getting acquainted with our fellow man, 
something I personally am in favor of, I am very close to writing 
a .procmailrc rule, something I haven't resorted to in several years, 
that will send your contentious, usually unhelpful emails to /dev/null.

Debian is about choice Polyna. That is mine. Quit monopolizing the 
conversation unless you are helping the user SOLVE his/her problem.

> >> "When replying to messages on the mailing list, do not send a
> >> carbon copy (CC) to the original poster unless they explicitly
> >> request to be copied."
> >>
> >> https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/
> >>
> >>> I am totally aware of the use of headers. I simply hit *reply* in
> >>> my mail client.
> >>
> >> Either you did something else for my e-mail or your mail client is
> >> bogus. I specifically configured my headers to avoid a double
> >> reply, the same way most mailing-lists are configured to do
> >> automatically.
> >
> > Gmail handled it properly just now...
> Well haven't you read what he said ?
> Gmail must be *wrong* because Nicolas George said "That was wrong".
> So this must be so bad and so painful to receive a message in his
> mailbox.
> Probably he doesn't know what's a forward or alias mailbox that you
> can destroy when tired of receiving email or simply ignoring a
> message.
> I delete at least 20 unwanted message a day, some are list that I'm
> registered to but not all messages are useful. And I don't make a case
> out of it.
> As I said in my message, I don't normally answer directly to messages
> but when it is a first time I exchange with a user, as I don't know if
> he's on the list or not (people can post without being registered).
> Then I'll send a CC message.
> Seems like kindness or understanding on the flexibility or some rules
> are hard to understand.
> I've got told it is okay to act this way on this list because of the
> number of user who post without being subscriber.
> I don't remember the name but it is the person who write the FAQ and
> post monthly reminder of the rules on this list. So I take his words
> as pretty much good.
> > Cindy :)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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