On Sun 15 Aug 2021 at 22:07:27 (+0000), Ramon Mulin wrote:
> The DVD-1 image is coming with contrib enabled on the cd-rom,
> security and update lines. This is normal?

AIUI the selection of software on DVD-1 is designed to give as
comprehensive a collection as possible, based partly on popularity,
so that the occasions on which DVD-2, 3… need to be mounted are
minimised. As many people will wish to install some non-free
software (which can't be included), there are packages from contrib
(dependencies of non-free) which make the grade for inclusion
on DVD-1.

> The netinstall image is just with main.

In contrast, the netinst image has been pruned to a minimal set of
packages that are able just to install a system, which can then,
in turn, install anything and everything else from the internet.

Unsurprisingly, just installing a Debian system can be achieved
using only Debian software, ie from main. During the installation,
you can add non-free (pulls in contrib) to your own list of sources.

However, because so many people run machines having hardware devices
that require non-free firmware blobs /before/ any initial installation
step, (mainly laptops being installed over WiFi), the website also
offers unofficial netinst images which include collections of such
firmware. AFAICT there are no packages from contrib required, because
each (free) device driver already includes the ability to load its
own non-free firmware blob.

> P.S.: Sorry for my english.

It's fine.


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