On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 01:34:24AM -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
What if ? What if there wasn't any *bad* user ? You are the one bringing
over old subject that you consider off-topic. You seem really touched by
giving your self a role as governor of a mailing list or policing what's
acceptable and not. But don't seem to understand that the community
itself made the choice of having this list un-moderated.

I can't speak for Brian but I've been subscribed to this list for a long
time and I've seen a change in how it is being used, which I think is
harmful to its core purpose, and so I (and others) are trying to find a
way to fix that. With respect, you've only been active here for a very
short while, so you don't have the perspective that others do on the

People posting off-topic and going off on tangents has always happened.
What has changed is the frequency and duration of those tangents, which
are now drowning out everything else.

That is, the people chose that it will remain like this. Even if they
ain't with all the good technical genius expertise you have. That's what
was decided. So maybe it's time you just accept it...

No decision has been made. The people coming here for help and having
their threads diverted with trips down memory lane have not "chosen" for
that to happen.

Please do not CC me for listmail.

👱🏻      Jonathan Dowland
✎        j...@debian.org
🔗       https://jmtd.net

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