On Sun, Sep 05, 2021 at 04:57:44PM +0200, Julius Hamilton wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone knew a similar user email group like this one for
> questions related to internet connectivity. Maybe there is a widely used open
> source network software tool where people discuss network questions.

I too have been wondering about this.  There used to be some usenet
news groups.  I did manage to find the old comp.networks group but
it's not well attended.  https://groups.google.com/g/comp.networks

When I have networking questions, I try to narrow them down to a
specific area.  For example, if it's about Ubiquiti routers, I'll post
on the Ubiquiti forum.  If it's an OpenVPN issue, I end up posting on
that forum.  If it seems like a networking issue in Debian, here is
very appropriate and there's lots of experienced folks here.

But where to post some general networking issue that's not specific
and you are completely in the dark as to where to start, yah I sure,
start here if you're using Debian on at least one thing you can't get
to the network.  I wouldn't ask an Android or windows question here
but if say your problem occurs on Debian and not on Android, yah very
appropriate to ask here.

In relation to your question which seems like it's Android related,
I'd see if it also happens if you access thoses sites in Debian.  If
yes, then it's a general problem.  If no, then I'd probably post on a
forum like the Andronix Forum.  If both, then this is possibly
something with the internet connection or wifi router.  Many router
manufacturers and ISPs have help forums.

Thing is, these days, there's so much networking stuff out there that
if there is an active general networking help list (which there may be
and I haven't found it), it'd probably have so much chatter on it that
it may not be useful.  One needs to narrow down the scope at least a
bit to find some forum which might help, even if someone points you to
another forum which ultimately helps you.

Without more info, I'd say you may have some DNS resolution problem.
Is there some firewall blocking access to some sites?  Are you using
anything like Pi-hole, VPN, or some browser extension which might be
trying to do some weird VPN like stuff?  What happens when you try
with something running Debian?  Can you narrow it down to a sitiation
where it always works and one where it always fails?

Michael Grant

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