On Fri, 10 Sep 2021 06:15:12 -0600
Charles Curley <charlescur...@charlescurley.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Sep 2021 08:41:02 +0200
> <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> > (I'm just asking, because I've seen this complaint a couple
> > of times for a well-formed multipart message: personally, I'd
> > be OK with it, but I'd like to know how the consensus is).  
> I think it has problems. One case is where the author composes in
> HTML, and uses colors, emphasis, etc. to make his points, and those
> are stripped out of the plain text version, thereby distorting the
> author's intent.
> (I also think that if one must use colors, emphasis, etc. as part of
> one's writing, then one is not a very good writer. On the other
> tentacle, one should not expect good writing from nerds.)

Do it in DTP and attach it, if you must. I decide whether to read it.

Sadly, much html comes of of MS software, and takes about ten pages of
markup to include three text lines.


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