Howdy, list!

I've got a server hosting a proprietary Java application which runs on
tomcat8, so that server has continued running debian 9/stretch.  But
debian 9 is now, with the debian 11/bullseye release, going EOL, and
running public-facing services on EOLed software is bad ju-ju.

So I need to upgrade the server to debian 10/buster, which no longer
includes tomcat8, and internal testing indicates that this application
doesn't work on tomcat9.

Does anyone know of a third-party repo which offers a tomcat8 built for
debian 10?

(And, yes, I know the correct answer is to tell the application
developer to get their act together and support a more recent version of
tomcat.  But we're paying them an obscene amount of money to license
their software, and they follow IBM's precedent of "the more money you
pay us, the less we have to listen to you".)

Dave Sherohman

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