On 9/18/21 4:35 AM, Myron wrote:
Never done this one with Linux before.  I know that there is less than 16Gb
of data written to the Class 10 32Gb MicroSD card which is used as the
primary system storage on a single board system-on-a-chip computer.  What
I'm after is getting a 16 Gb Class 10 A1 MicroSD card and clone the entire
system from the 32Gb card to the 16Gb card.

What I'm after is when I start the SOC computer from the replacement 16Gv
Class 10 A1 MicroSD card, it will just start like there have been no
changes, well, apart from there being 16Gb storage and not slower 32Gb

This is relatively easy to do on Windows.  No clue how to do this with

Backup your data. I would take a raw binary image of the entire 32 GB MicroSD card as well.

My guess is that you should resize the contents of the 32 GB MicroSD card to fit onto the 16 GB MicroSD card, and then clone.

But, the devil is in the details and it would be helpful if we had more information...

What is the make and model of your "single board system-on-a-chip computer" (SBC)? What CPU, memory, or other options does it have? What is the technical support URL?

Is the SBC connected to a keyboard, mouse, and monitor, to a serial console, or to some other console? Can you SSH into it?

How did you create a working Debian (?) GNU/Linux instance on the 32 GB MicroSD card? If you followed some instructions, what is the URL?

On the 32 GB MicroSD card Debian instance, please login as root, run the following commands, and reply with the complete console session -- prompts, commands entered, output obtained:

# /bin/bash -l

# export PS1='\n\D{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} \u@\h \w\n\$ '

# cat /etc/debian_version ; uname -a

# egrep 'vendor_id|model name' /proc/cpuinfo | head -n 2

# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

# fdisk -l


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