On 9/21/21 11:26 PM, Charles Curley wrote:
On Tue, 21 Sep 2021 23:09:41 -0400
"Paul M. Foster" <pa...@quillandmouse.com> wrote:

Say you have a directory in which there are development files. A
number of users will be creating, deleting and modifying the files
there. This is the type of situation which might have been common on
old Unix university systems. (Users might be accessing files via
Samba, NFS, or locally.)

Just to make this more concrete, assume the development tree is in
This sounds like a development nightmare. It sounds like you are asking
people to step on each other's changes.

Much better to set up a version control system (git, e.g.), and let
everyone develop in their own spaces. People can code and test away
to their hearts' content. Wen they are satisfied, they check their
changes in. Then deployment is a matter of "git pull" (or equivalent) on
the working copy.

Yeah, I use git in other contexts. In this particular instance, when these projects were created, git didn't exist. While I could implement it here, the other user is on a Mac. I've had experience trying to install "normal" software (like git) on a Mac (software not blessed by Apple), and it's not a pleasant experience. Additionally, the other developer uses Dreamweaver and doesn't do well with administrative tasks like "git push". I'm trying to make this as painless for her as possible. Under any other development circumstances, I would absolutely choose git.

However, as I said, this type of situation had to be common on old Unix systems, and they didn't have git. They had to have solved it some other way.


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