Security is the reason why I download and install browser and mail
client directly from the vendor, not Debian repositories.

For Chromium the situation is (was) even worse IIRC.

Am 09.12.21 um 11:12 schrieb piorunz:
> Hello,
> I noticed that Debian Stable uses Firefox ESR 78.15.0, which is final
> update of 78 series. All further updates go to Firefox ESR 91, as
> Mozilla page says:
> "Version 78.15.0, first offered to ESR channel users on October 5, 2021
> This is the final planned ESR78 release. Eligible users will be
> automatically updated to the ESR91 release on November 2."
> Since 2 November, Firefox 78 is EOL and we all should upgrade. I use
> Debian Bullseye on several of my computers, and they all are on ESR 78.
> Firefox 91 should migrate to Stable as soon as possible, otherwise we
> risk unpatched security vulnerabilities being present in Debian Stable,
> there are several of them already.
> Is there any remedy for this?
> --
> With kindest regards, Piotr.
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