On Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 07:49:01PM +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> On 12/9/21 19:09, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 06:59:07PM +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> >> On 12/9/21 18:43, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Please note that Mozilla is constantly updating to newer rustc and LLVM
> >>> versions.  That means that preparing a new major ESR release for Debian
> >>> requires not just the packaging of the firefox-esr and thunderbird
> >>> updates, but also some very complex toolchain components.  Those
> >>> components are usually already in unstable/testing, but for stable,
> >>> oldstable, and LTS, the toolchain must be backported first.
> >>>
> >>
> >> As far as I know Ubuntu has no such problem with Firefox.
> >>
> > Debian also supports additional hardware architectures and the toolchain
> > components sometimes require specific work in order to support those
> > additional architectures.  In fact, that was the case with this current
> > update that is underway.
> > 
> > However, the point is not about arguing which is better, Debian or
> > Ubuntu.  Naturally, Debian is better.
> > 
> > Rather, the point was simply to offer assurance that this work is
> > underway and that it is near completion.
> > 
> > It is lamentable that it has taken this long, but that is not an
> > indication of a lack of effort on the part of the people in Debian
> > working on this.
> > 
> Hi Roberto
> thanks for the explanation. I didn't want to offend anybody. I use both
> - Debian and Kubuntu and like more Debian and I have been using it for
> almost 2 decades. The idea was that somehow Ubuntu handles well with
> this problem. This is all I meant.
No offense was taken.

I think what is important is to understand is that a statement like "As
far as I know Ubuntu has no such problem with Firefox" implies an
inappopriate value judgment.  That is to say, the circumstances that
have led to Ubuntu being in a "better" position (by your estimation) are
necessarily different than those which have led to Debian being in a
"worse" position.

I was simply trying to shed light on the differences in circumstances,
because they are important and because I think it is unkind to devalue
the work of those in Debian just because we happen to strive to a
different set of criteria than perhaps what Ubuntu strives for.  The
discussion, both in this thread and in the Phoronix "article" and its
associated discussion seem to be overly negative without good cause.
I'm glad that the other sub-threads in this discussion seem to be
focusing on alternative solutions that allow users to achieve their
objectives until the firefox packaging situation in Debian improves.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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