Maureen L Thomas wrote: 
> I was on the computer and stopped to eat dinner and the puter went into
> black screen as it always does if left unattended.  It would not wake up so
> I changed the batteries in my keyboard and it still would not wake up.  So I
> turned it off with the switch and then back on.  Once it was on it worked
> fine until I tried to play a you tube and found I had no sound at all.  I
> checked the sound icon on the top right of the screen and it was set where I
> always have it.  I went to the sound thing to check that I have sound and as
> I tested both speakers I heard nothing.  The computer seemed to think that
> was fine with a smiley face.

Are the speakers internal or external? If external, are they
powered up and turned on with an appropriate volume?

Does it work with headphones plugged in?

Run pavucontrol and click on the Configuration tab. It is not
rare for this subsystem to decide to select the wrong audio
output device after a reboot.

Tell us what options it offers you in the Configuration tab.

> I am on a Lenova all in one computer with Debian 9.  I have not needed any
> upgrades lately so that is not the problem as my system is kept up to date
> with all software.

I agree that this is not the problem, but you should know that
the reason you are not getting upgrades on Debian 9 is because
Debian 11 is the current stable version. 


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