On Wed, Jan 05, 2022 at 11:13:46AM -0500, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> I don't have answers toward a permanent resolution but still wanted to
> suggest that CTRL+SHIFT+[pageUP/pageDOWN] works for me to
> alternatively move tabs around one position at a time. Am hoping that
> also works (universally) in Chrome, too.

Thanks!  That will do nicely as a workaround.  It's sure as hell better
than having to put all the *rest* of the tabs into a new window and then
move them back to the original window.

I wonder if there's any documentation in the world that describes all
of these magic key combos that browsers use, or if they're all handed
down by word of mouth like this.

(Won't help me in my incremental game, but that's OK.)

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