Every time that I search for solutions to my wifi drivers, the solution is
to apt-get install a bunch of drivers. Why does nobody realize that apt'ing
anything is a non-solution: How can I apt-get install <network drivers> if
I don't have network drivers? There are DOZENS of responses to questions
about network drivers that say to apt-get install various packages without
any thought to the fact that nobody can apt without first having network
drivers. It's seriously starting to **** me off. I've got computers with
Broadcom wifi. How the heck am I going to fix that by using networking to
download the gosh darn drivers to fix the networking that I don't have? Of
the dozens of "solutions" that I've read about this, NOBODY ever thinks
about how to fix the network driver without having a network driver.

Do I know how to use sneakernet? Yes. In my young adulthood, email was
dialing into a BBS that would then dial the next closest free telephone
call to another BBS, and so forth until your message from California got to
the East Coast. Days. I remember trucks with huge spools of
punch-cards that were data for the mainframe.

When I try to use sneakernet to overcome the networking issues then I get
errors from dpkg that it can't install debs because ldconfig and
start-stop-daemon aren't available. I haven't bothered searching for the
debs that provide those things because I cannot use a deb to fix dpkg
because dpkg doesn't function.

The catch-22's are endless. In my case, I need Broadcom drivers. I can't
get b43 over the network. I can't use sneakernet for b43 debs because dpkg
doesn't work (let alone finding all the dependencies and dependencies of
dependencies and so forth).

Now what?


*R. Toby Richards*

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