Marco Möller wrote:

> Asking for transparency to sound like trolling wasn't my intention. I am
> sorry if I wasn't able to find the correct wording for keeping these to
> things distinguishable.
> Being a grateful user of Debian, and being in my circle of influence a
> strong advocate of the Debian project, and also of the KDE Plasma
> desktop environment as available in Debian, I do not feel it to be, lets
> say, insolent, if interested in community affairs. Actually, I feel it
> desirable to stay well informed for reinforcing advocacy, and asking for
> transparency is to me a coherent step.
> I feel that a concise statement from Debian insiders would gain a lot to
> not provoke avoidable discussions and would right away defeat heat given
> off obstructively.
> As Thomas pointed out, there are hundreds of posts from years old
> discussions which appear to be the prelude to the current situation.
> Some of these public discussions have been quite controversial, partly
> also questioning if community processes are always taking place
> sufficiently transparent. Currently I find only a public statement from
> one party. This could harm the Debian project. Some concise statement
> from somebody in the Debian project with insights into the issue could
> prevent Debian from bad repute by declassifying which are the positions
> of the present disagreement.

Looking into the details to me it seems exactly as expected. The liberal
**** hijacked Debian as they did and do routinely with many other
organizations. So now the Communist Party of Debian can rule with CoC.
Great job - makes me feel proud of Debian (ironically).
And I can imagine what will happen in the future. Debian will become like
many other companies a victim of its CoC where it is not important to
provide good software but to comply with what the communist party elite
says. This is a pandemic for itself.
I will be not surprised if I replace debian with something else in the
future. Not because I care that much about the **** CoC, but because the
ideologically motivated organization will not be able to deliver the
expected quality.

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