
On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 10:14:23AM +0000, Bhasker C V wrote:
> $ dig +short server.example.local

Just in case, using ".local" domain that way violates RFC 6762.  There
are numerous ways to name your private domain, but ".local" is not a
proper name for that.

> Now, isnt the lookup supposed to fall back to next server if first one
> doesnt have an answer ?

Only if the first DNS is unreachable or returning SERVFAIL.
Your is returning NXDOMAIN, so this behaviour is expected.

> How does multiple DNS servers entry work in resolv.conf ?

Barring "options rotate", always try first nameserver specified for any
query, switch to the second if timeout (5 seconds by default, according
to resolv.conf(5), 30 seconds in practice) is reached.

Easiest way to solve your problem would be specify an public resolver
( in your bind configuration for anything but your domain, and
then use only in your resolv.conf.


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