max wrote:

> For comparison, RMS is publicly against singular "they", and Debian
> developers voted not to censure him.
> Seems like a double
> standard, but whatever.

If you engage in such discussion, you are ready to fail. There is no force
in this universe to tell me not to use the pronouns he and she based on
biological sex.
The opposite is complete madness: I recommend listening to Jordan Peterson
on this subject.
I doubt RMS is authority in this field. He has opinion and this is it - he
and not only he - no one has the authority to tell you or me how to speak.
Language is to help us understand each other. Obviously someone does not
want to admit to this basic rule and wants us to roll over into the
Overtone window. It is absolutely unnecessary discussion. J. Peterson
refuses to accept, I refuse and many others. It is perfectly OK. I have the
same rights as you do. Period.

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