local10 <loca...@tutanota.com> wrote on 24/01/2022 at 00:32:10+0100:

> Jan 23, 2022, 21:43 by p...@debian.org:
>> What happened is that DAM took a decision, which was challenged by some
>> Developers, among with some were willing to start a General Resolution
>> to overturn DAM's decision.
>> In that heated discussion, Ian decided to collect any bad interaction
>> between Norbert and any other person to disclose these before the GR
>> starts and is voted on.
>> As I already said, but you apparently decided to not read, Ian was not
>> part of the decision making at any part, and, apart from the others who
>> replied, two DAM members told him it wasn't fine.
> Sounds sketchy but whatever.  Is there a list of all the horrible
> things Norbert Preining said that was used to support the decision to
> demote him? As a Debian and KDE user I'm trying to understand if
> Debian leadership was reasonable in demoting a valuable and long-term
> developer (because a project managed by unreasonable leadership is
> doomed).
> Regards,

Debian's leadership was no part of the decision to remove Norbert.

The task (and right) to decide who is or not a member of the project is
Consitutionally[0] delegated to a group of Developers named Debian
Account Managers. They're the only one able to take such decision, and
so they did.

There is no public list of the things that motivated their decision, and
you'll have to deal with that, as it doesn't seem that it will change.


[0] https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution


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