On Fri, 11 Feb 2022 20:33:45 +0100
"Thomas Schmitt" <scdbac...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> i wrote:
> > >   Clara Oswald: "You're not my boss, you're my hobby."
> Celejar wrote:
> > I think I'm missing your point. Explain, please?
> I contribute time because i like to do so.
> Less entertaining would be to give away an optical medium,
> to buy post stamps, and to reveil my real world postal address.

Fair enough, although the question then is why we enjoy giving of our
time but not our money. I assume that a primary motive of many (I can't
speak for anyone in particular, of course) who give of their time is a
desire to help others, and the act of helping others is what provides
enjoyment to them, so then the question is why they would not enjoy
helping others with financial contributions.


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