On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 02:39:55PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> On Thursday, February 24, 2022 1:08:26 PM EST Brian wrote:
> > On Wed 23 Feb 2022 at 18:44:37 -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > 
> > [...[
> > 
> > > With all the crash and burn sessions I've had with bullseye, I'd have
> > > to go get the drivers anew from Brother if cups-everywhere can't do
> > > it.
> > It is possible it may yet come to that.
> > 
> > > Is that what I have to do for this printer? FWIW No Brother printers
> > > show up at all in the ppd selection menu.
> > > 
> > > Might be related:
> > > sane-find-scanner, run as root, finds the scanner in this MFC at:
> > > 
> > > found USB scanner (vendor=0x04f9 [Brother], product=0x02f5
> > > [MFC-J6920DW]) at libusb:003:005
> > > 
> > > but xsane can't find it. So both the printer and the scanner are on
> > > the injured list.
> > 
> > Let's put scanning on one side for the time being.
> > 
> > 1. Read the Release Notes for Debian 11.
> > 
> > 2. Disconnect fro USB. It complicates matters.
> > 

Hi Gene,

> I would much rather the installer was taught to iterrogate whats beyond 
> an fdti serial adaptor, they are used to drive far more than braille 
> interfaces, or make the installer as the user if they WANT the speech 
> dispatcher and brltty. I don't, and the only way I've found to control 
> all that BS is to edit their configs to send their screaming fits aboiut 
> not finding brltty, to /dev/null.  Blaming the user for not disconnecting 
> a usb tree that looks like a weeping willow is at best poor form.

You're not a visually impaired user absolutely reliant on speech output / 
a Braille display. That step is there for them: there's a beep - if you hit
s on that, you get speech (mostly) for the remainder of the install.

If you have a brltty as a serial device, the installer does a check for serial
and tries to activate something that will make it work.

If you do neither, the installer goes right over that and there's no effect
for anyone else. It costs you relatively little to do a clean install
- which will go nowhere near brltty - by disconnecting serial devices briefly.
You're capable and you can make use of your sight.

Blaming everybody else - even those who are trying to help you - isn't helping
endear folks to your approach.

If not, I've told you how to remove brltty neatly by removing the packages and
their reverse dependencies.
> Then refusing to advise that user howe to legally uniinstall that crap 
> just frosts the cake.  Fix the damned installer.

The installer is fine: I've used it many, many times - including deliberately
testing speech output / high contrast installs to check they worked.

> As for my printer, I'll install the Brother drivers, they've Just Worked 
> for over a decade now.
> > 3. Give
> >    avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp
> >    avahi-browse -rt _uscan._tcp
> >    driverless
> And what will that do, except further screw things up.

Folks are trying to be polite and helpful. You may find that you no longer
need the Brother drivers: driverless printing works for many more printers 

Similarly - if you have two interfaces plugged into the same printer,
it's sometimes harder to debug: if you want a network printer, set it up
as such without needing USB, perhaps?

> Avahi is another of those unwanted "helpers". I've had to disable or 
> uninstal it since wheezy because it insists on overwriteing the route to 
> the network with bogus 169.xx.yy.zz numbers.
> > 4. avahi-browse is in the avahi-utils package.
> And have it wreck this installs host file based network? I think not.

Host file based networks have already been done to death on another thread
of yours, I think.

> I originally asked how to get rid of brltty. And was ignored. No one has 
> suggested a course of action except yet anothr install AFTER gutting the 
> system of usb which would include the keyboard and mouse.

See above: you weren't ignored.

USB serial _doesn't_ include the keyboard and mouse if you're using a USB 
wireless dongle: if it did, I would also hae had the same issues you have.

> Stop ignoring the users complaints and fix the installer, at the very 
> least by asking the user if he wants it, and don't install it if he says 
> no. I have no problem with aiding the blind, but make even him confirm he 
> wants it before its made a permanent part of the install.
> Currently, if its enabled at install, and removed 30 minutes later, the 
> system stops forever about 10 seconds into a reboot because it can't find 
> it, but thats without any sign of a log saying why it won't reboot.  I 
> did 4 installs proving that boot stall was that once I managed at get 4 
> out of 2+2.  You may take it that yes, I'm unhappy. This was far more 
> annoying than it was years ago when I installed stretch. I had forgotten 
> about that, but that didn't lead to 15 or 20 reinstalls like this did 
> either.

Please help us to help you by detailing problems and segmenting 
the problems into single steps so that all of us can adopt a more logical
approach to problem solving.

> No Cheers, Gene Heskett.
> -- 
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
> If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
>  - Louis D. Brandeis
> Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater


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