On Mon, Feb 28 2022, Felix Miata wrote:

> There are two nouveau drivers:
>       kernel device
>       display device
>               modesetting
>               nouveau
> Both possible full-function display device drivers depend on the nouveau 
> kernel
> driver (module). inxi -Gayz will show both. Try switching from the one in 
> current
> use to the other. Adding or purging xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is typically 
> the
> simplest way to switch between them. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ can also be used to
> make the switch by explicitly declaring the chosen driver. The in-use display
> driver is announced in roughly half the lines in each Xorg.#.log.

Interestingly, purging xserver-xorg-video-nouveau didn't change
anything.  However, removing modesetting_drv.so from
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers did.  That solved the problem.

But it didn't switch to nouveau; it went to fbdev.

But, since I also want to boot this drive on other machines that need
it, I can't just leave it that way.  It also leaves open the question of
why it worked fine in startx, or after logging in with sddm, which is
darn weird to me.

> Try disabling Plymouth, appending one of the following to the end of the linu 
> line
> after striking the E key at the Grub menu:

Thanks for the tip; no change there (I wasn't using the graphical stuff

> If none help, try appending your display's native mode & refresh instead, 
> e.g.:
>       video=1920x1080@60
> If this works, likely an edit to /etc/default/grub about graphics handling or
> theme, and regeneration of /boot/grub/grub.cfg, is indicated.

It's also already getting that right from EDID, so I'm pretty sure
that's not the issue.

Thanks again!


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