Your graphics adapter is modern enough so you should install"nvidia-driver" package.Additional essential packages are: "nvidia-driver-bin","nvidia-driver-libs", "nvidia-kernel-support", "nvidia-kernel-dkms", andothers.If all of them already installed, try to re-install "nvidia-kernel-dkms"package.
It will rebuild DKMS module using kernel sources to match kernel in use.
It is a good idea to do this, after every update of kernel image, tomake sure a new kernel and DKMS module will be 100% compatible.

Thanks for the info. I took the video card out and reinstalled it, jiggling it sufficiently. That seem to have fixed it. So, I am not going to jinx it with changing driver until I am sure the issue is gone. After that I will update the driver with the above one as I am interested in having mainstream driver to minimize any compatibility issues.


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