Hi all,

I'm running chromium 99 on Bullseye:

Version 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) built on Debian 11.2, running on
Debian 11.2 (64-bit)

And I can't get hardware acceleration working. I've followed the
instructions here:


As well as a variety of other online sources of increasingly dubious
quality, so I've decided to come to the mailing lists and plea for help.

I'm running an Intel i5-5300U processor (so quite old I suppose):
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5300U CPU @ 2.30GHz

with Intel Integrated graphics:
- Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2)

I've tried running it both with and without vulkan drivers enabled.

I'm runnin Vulkan Instance:
Vulkan Instance Version: 1.2.162

and some of the errors logs I'm getting particularly at startup look like

*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[32829:32829:0100/000000.432878:ERROR:vulkan_device_queue.cc(227)] Vulkan:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2)

I'm checking to see if hardware accelerated video decoding is working by
viewing this video in 1080p HD:

and looking at the output of intel_gpu_top, where the row for Video/0 stays
at 0%.

Anyone got any ideas?

- Kevin


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