On 2022-03-11 at 06:47, Nate Bargmann wrote:

> * On 2022 10 Mar 17:04 -0600, Emanuel Berg wrote:
>> didier gaumet wrote:
>>>> OK, thanks, I won't switch then I think ... I like feh and use
>>>> it a lot.
>>> Just to be clear in case there would be a misunderstanding 
>>> because my sentence was not accurate enough: what I meant is feh
>>> (for example) is not directly compatible with Wayland, but can be
>>> run in the X11 compatibility layer of Wayland (Xwayland, the
>>> nested X server that can be run inside Wayland)
>> No, I understood, but that sounds like too much emulator ...
> My understanding is that xwayland is an X server that runs under 
> Wayland and the idea is that it handles X protocols but Wayland
> handles the video drivers and screen drawing.

That's a rough match for my own understanding, with the added
qualification that apparently there are some features of the X protocol
which Wayland doesn't support, and which XWayland therefore may well
also not (be able to) support. (Although, while writing this mail, I've
seen assertions that the XWayland codebase *is* the X.org codebase, just
with the hardware-related parts stripped out and replaced with calls to
Wayland - in which case maybe those features would be working after all.)

The most important one for my purposes, and therefore the one that I
remember, is the ability to have multiple desktop-like things which are
actually all just viewports on one much-larger single area. The big
advantage of this is that it lets you have a window that's larger than
any one single desktop, and switch around between desktops to look at
different parts of that window. One of my brothers and I have both made
productive use of this feature (for values of "productive" that relate
to games and entertainment, anyway), and would not be happy to lose
access to it.

(Possible FUD alert; I don't have any citations for the next paragraph,
although I trust the person from whom I learned of it.)

I remember having been informed that people had brought this up with the
Wayland developers, and that the upshot of the ensuing conversation was
that those developers considered this feature to be an odd historical
wart on the X specification, clearly of no value, and not worth
supporting or implementing - and because they considered it so, Wayland
had been designed in a way that made it difficult or impossible to
implement that feature, even with people now requesting it.

Another limitation of XWayland as I've heard it described (by the same
person on whose statements the previous paragraph is based, as well as
in online discussions related to XWeston, below), as compared to a full
X server: where you can (and, in fact, usually need to) run a window
manager on top of an X server, I'm given to understand that you cannot
run a window manager on top of XWayland. Instead, the window manager
needs to be implemented as a Wayland compositor, and you then run
XWayland inside of that. (I have not actually tried to do this myself,
for reasons which I'm about to get into, so I may have some of the
details wrong.)

That's a showstopper from my perspective, since the window manager I use
A: is in long-tail maintenance mode, with very little work done over the
past decade (relatively speaking), and will certainly not be rewritten
as a Wayland compositor, and B: includes features which are built on top
of that multiple-desktops windows-larger-than-the-desktop X feature, and
which therefore probably cannot be implemented on top of Wayland.

For reference in case anyone is interested, that window manager is
Enlightenment DR16, also known as e16. It hasn't been in Debian for
quite several releases now, I compile it from the upstream source tree.

The solution to this is apparently XWeston[1], but I remember that being
reported as having performance problems (though I'm not finding those
reports again now) and I don't know how well supported it is even by its
developer; it doesn't seem to have been touched since its initial
development work in 2015.

I keep meaning to try out running e16 inside of XWeston, but to date
have not acquired a sufficiently circular tuit.

[1] https://github.com/ackalker/Xweston



   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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