
17 mars 2022, 12:32 de boudic...@skimble09.plus.com:

> After downloading and installing the new kernels yesterday I rebooted.
> And now I cannot get mpd to play any sound at all! Juk can play, as can
> mpv, but neither can clementine, lxmusic, qmmp, nor quodlibet play!
> So how can I get them all playing please? Has there been some changes
> resulting from the new kernels that affect audio output please? This is
> on a straight debian 11 install, with no debian 10 packages.
Maybe you should check your audio configuration with a tool like `pavucontrol` 
(for PulseAudio for example).

I had the same problem some time ago with only Firefox not getting me any sound.
In pavucontrol, "playback" tab, Firefox was on "mute" indeed while playing.
No more issue with it since I've changed its configuration. 


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