On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 06:19:17PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
It's like you haven't even read this thread.

of course I have

Predictable interface names *do* sometimes change.  And when that happens,
it's a huge deal, because all of the configuration files are set up for
the old name.  Things break, in an extremely visible way.

And they also broke before the predictable name scheme! And they can break if you lock names to MAC addresses! There are always ways things can break. If they break in an extremely visible way that's actually a good thing--the impact of simple interface reordering can be much more severe. And when they do break, the fix is generally pretty straightforward (that is, not such a big deal as to justify the bytes wasted complaining about it).

This is not some theoretical issue.  This is real.

It's also real that for the majority of systems it works fine. Why are you so invested in denying that reality?

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