On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 12:10:37 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

[Misconceptions snipped. It would take too long to comment on and refute
every single one of them, interesting though they may be.]

> After all this, I have two final comments:
> 1) To whomever received two surprise printer test pages: sorry.

You are pointing the finger in the wrong direction. (As recent political
events show, this is seen as a good technique to draw attention from the
actual state of affairs).
> And I have one question:
> How is one *supposed* to figure out which autodetected printer is the
> correct one, apart from trial and error?

Fancy an analogy?

My local bus intercange has display screens showing bus nummbers and
destinations (IP addresses). It does not display the stands the buses
start from. Whose responsibillity is that down to?

You got it!

Now contact you highly paid sys admins to ask them to add a "Location"
field to whatever the server/printer is advertising.


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