On Fri, Apr 08, 2022 at 08:52:26PM +0100, Brian wrote:


> You didn't like my bus analogy, did you?

I did like it. Nevertheless, I thought something's missing:

> What makes you think that knowing a bus number and destination
> provudes information for where it departs from?
> What makes you think that knowing an IP address tells you where
> any machine of any description is located?

This is, of course, not guaranteed. But "the system" might provide
for the user not being an idiot and perhaps having bits of info
"the system" doesn't. 

In Greg's (was he the OP? I lost the thread in the process) case
it's the IP address stuck on the printer (most printers these days
tell you, if you ticke their menus for long enough, BTW).

In the bus's case, perhaps there is a big sign on the parking lot
"NEUF-BRISACH". There, that's your IP address.

Back to the printers, I'm horrified at the idea that CUPS doesn't
tell you the IP address it thinks the printer is at. It's what
I call "authoritarian software", where the software thinks it's
smarter than me. Don't get me wrong, I like comfort like the next
guy, but I don't like being treated like an idiot.

Look: if some programmer gal thinks she's smarter than me, I go
"arrogant gal, but who knows, probably she's right". But if a
piece of software does that, I tend to kick it out of my box.
My box, my rules :)

And yes: no CUPS (no Avahi either) on my box :-)


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