On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 07:46:37AM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> On Sunday, 10 April 2022 06:06:31 EDT to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL=0 into some /etc/default/avahi-daemon.
> Checking all my machines, all but one was set to 1, fixed the others and 
> redid the initramfs as it said in 2 of the 5, in that file.
> Thank you for that Tomas, now its done by the official way including on 
> this bullseye box. I also took advantage and disabled brltty by similar 
> means. That leaves orca dirtying the logs with about 20 lines every 15 
> seconds. And that leads to a reboot about weekly by filling up the /var 
> partition. Orca however, does not appear in /etc/default. Where is it 
> started so I can officially stop it? That would extend my uptimes I 
> expect.

As it came out in That Other Thread :) I think this is some rogue USB
serial adapter fooling udev that it is a Braille input. Find that, fix
your udev rules (or dump the adapter).

Background: whenever you stick an USB into your device tree, it tells
udev "hi, I'm a new mouse". Or a "memory stick". Or "a camera". But
of course, this comes roundabout: it tells the maker and the maker's
device model as a pair of numbers.

There's a lot of things which may go wrong there: from an inexact device
database to some cheap manufacturer skimping on the USB consortium
membership and squatting on wrong identifiers.

Once we have more details perhaps someone can lead you through the
process. But test-booting the thing while some USB devices are
unplugged until you find the culprit is something only you can do.

Hint: binary search may be helpful (unstick first half of the USBs
and so on).


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