Dieter Rohlfing wrote:
> Am Wed, 20 Apr 2022 00:43:35 -0700
> schrieb David Christensen <>:
>>I have been experiencing intermittent storms of random keyboard and
>>mouse GUI events over the past year or more:
> Same for me.
> System is Debian 9.13 (kernel 4.19.0-0.bpo.19-amd64, XFCE desktop) running
> on an ASRock DeskMini H110M.
> I'm running this combination with several hosts, but the storm only
> appears with the ASRock PC. Even with another mouse and keyboard the
> symptoms remain. So I think the storm mainly depends on the bare host and
> not on the peripheral components.
> At the moment I'm tinkering with the C-states. I disabled C6 and C7 in the
> BIOS and added the following options to the kernel command line:
>> processor.max_cstate=3 intel_idle.max_cstate=3
> Because the symptoms appear randomly, I can't say anything about a
> possible solution. I'll continue watching and will report, when I have any
> news.

  some things to look into.  Mouse sensitivity in the desktop 
hardware settings.  changing the batteries.  using different 
USB ports for the dongle.  replacing the keyboard or mouse.

  it might be the case that your dongle is getting stray 
signals from some other device.  if you have a lot if 
devices sending signals perhaps they're interferring with
each other somehow.  i've only had the mouse being run by
a dongle and that has never had issues.  instead i have
issues with keyboards not lasting very long (but they are
corded ones since i don't like the cordless types).


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