Hi all,

I'm trying to migrate my VMs from VirtualBox to KVM/QEMU/VirtManager.

I succeeded converting one disk image to qcow2 format and was able to
create and run the VM, using VirtManager (great performance improvement, by
the way). However, Win10 within the VM showed up in unactivated state,
since I still hadn't extracted the SLIC/MSDM info from the host machine.

I then proceeded extracting and providing the SLIC/MSDM data, as described
here <https://gist.github.com/Informatic/49bd034d43e054bd1d8d4fec38c305ec>,
However, the VM now fails to start/install (tried to re-create the VM using
the same image file, and setting up the SLIC/MSDM info from the beginning),
stating that the SLIC file can't be read.

All bin files are in the same directory as the qcow2 file itself, with
universal access permissions.

Searched the web and couldn't find any guidance on this.
I'm using debian 11.
What am I missing here? Any clues?

Thank you in advance,
Joao Roscoe

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