On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 12:04:11PM -0400, Tom D. wrote:
> Respected Everyone,
> I have installed Debian 11 Bullseye on my Laptop and found the following
> video tutorial.
> https://youtu.be/wsh64rjnRas
> Does this video tutorial coalign with Debian 11 Bullseye System
> Administration?
> I really need the latest tutorial.
> Thank you. Regards
> Adrian

Hi Adrian

I'm not sure that I can watch an entire seven hours to check :)

I'd almost suggest finding an old laptop / desktop - ideally
something you don't care about - and just installing and playing around 
with Debian for a while.

You don't say if you're doing this because you want to do an examination
in Linux system administration or just for fun. If you're doing it for
a specific job in systems admin. - you may find that the job uses 
Red Hat (which is different from Debian in some respects but readily
understandable). The Linux Professional Institute exams are cross-distribution
last time I looked.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

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