Am Di, Mai 03, 2022 at 11:39:12 +0200 schrieb Lucio Crusca:
Il 03/05/22 11:28,  scritto:
Try `sudo apt purge mariadb-server', watch out for error messages,
then re-install. Perhaps that helps.
I didn't mention that in my first post, but I've already tried purging and reinstalling several times. The one I reported is only the last one,

The package mariadb-server is a meta package. It depends on the current version of the server package, e.g. mariadb-server-10.5.

e.g. the more comprehensive one that included manual removal of /etc/mysql and reboot before reinstalling. I always got the same results.

Make sure that /var/lib/mysql is empty as well after the purge.


|    If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.    |

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