I'm trying to use the Tor upstream repositories:


Direct access works correctly, but proxying through apt-cacher-ng
(using SSL passthrough, as per the apt-cacher-ng documentation) does

Err:1 https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org sid InRelease
  Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted. The 
certificate issuer is unknown.  Could not handshake: Error in the certificate 
verification. [IP: xx.xx.xx.xx 3142]

I've been beating my head over this for a while, and I have arrived at
the tentative conclusion that the problem has something to do with the
fact that deb.torproject.org is a CNAME alias for
static.torproject.org., and I'm consequently somehow getting bitten by
this issue:


But that (as described by the maintainer) mess was supposedly resolved,
and the bug was closed. Am I missing something, or does that bug need
to be reopened?


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