On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 04:14:40PM -0500, Tom Browder wrote:
> I have been running 10+ websites using SNI on Apache on two leased remote
> servers for many years.

You think your home Internet connection is going to be able to handle
this traffic?

> In addition to the webserver being accessed externally, I will be sshing
> into my home server while traveling.

OK.  A minimum setup would entail:

1) Buy a consumer-grade router, and set it up to get the static IP address
   from your ISP.

2) Configure the Debian server to get a DHCP address from the router, so
   you can see what subnet range the router is using for the internal

3) Pick a static address on the router's internal subnet (outside of the
   pool of DHCP addresses) and configure the router to assign this address
   to your Debian system, based on MAC address.

4) Forward ports 80 and 443, and whatever you're going to use for ssh
   (highly recommended not to use the default port), from the router
   to the Debian machine's internal IP address.

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