Hello David,

thank you for your help

David <bouncingc...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Fri, 6 May 2022 at 02:55, Giovanni Biscuolo <g...@xelera.eu> wrote:


>> The problem is that the lightdm (and LXDE) XDG_DATA_DIRS is missing
>> "/home/patrizia/.guix-profile/share" and this is the reason why
>> applications installed with Guix are not listed in my menu.
> Hi, you wrote a lot of other stuff that I have trimmed, but from
> what I have quoted above it seems that your complaint is that
> when you use a login shell you get a XDG_DATA_DIRS value
> you want, and when you login via lightdm you do not.

Yes, the same also happens when using gdm3

> Is that the entire problem that you want to solve?


> If so, this suggests to me that your failure case occurs because you
> are missing some aspect of ~/.profile from the good case.

Please read all I wrote about the fact that all the environment
variables I set via ~/.xsessionrc are correctly configures, all but


>   /etc/profile.d/guix.sh
> which looks to set XDG_DATA_DIRS similar to what you want.

I'm just using a $HOME/.profile instead of /etc/profile.d/guix.sh but
the result is the same (but I admit I have not tried installing

As I said, the fact that is driving me crazy is that all ~/.xsession
variables are in my environment (as configured), all but XDG_DATA_DIRS


Thank you! Gio'

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures

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