On 2022-05-05 02:37, Erwan David wrote:
Le 04/05/2022 à 19:01, Gary Dale a écrit :
My Apache2 file/print/web server is running Bullseye. I had to restart it yesterday evening to replace a disk drive. Otherwise the last reboot was a couple of weeks ago - I recall some updates to Jitsi - but I don't think there were any updates since then.

Today I find that I can't get through to any of the sites on the server. Instead I get the Apache2 default web page. This happens with both Firefox and Chromium. This happens for all the staging sites (that I access as ".loc" through entries in my hosts file). My jitsi and nextcloud servers simply report failure to get to the server.

I verified that the site files (-available and -enabled) haven't changed in months.

I tried restarting the apache2 service and got an error so I tried stopping it then starting it again - same error:

root@TheLibrarian:~# service apache2 start

It looks like you started it, not restart, thus the running apache is not killed


May 04 12:16:55 TheLibrarian systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server... May 04 12:16:55 TheLibrarian apachectl[7935]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to addre> May 04 12:16:55 TheLibrarian apachectl[7935]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to addre>

This is consistent with former apache still running at that time, and using the wanted ports.

If you read my original e-mail, I tried both restarting it and starting it. Also, in my original e-mail, I identified that Apache2 wasn't running by running ps aux output through grep. Again, this confirms the systemctl message - as Greg Wooledge mentions in his reply to you.

Greg Wooledge showed me how to diagnose the problem by identifying the process (nginx in this case) that was grabbing the ports Apache2 needed. Claudio Kuenzler also provided an alternative method of diagnosing the problem.

My problem is I'm not all that conversant in tracking down network issues, such as ports. I didn't know that lsof even had a port option. And I'm still getting used to systemctl / journalctl.

Anyway, thanks for your attempt to help.

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